Wednesday, December 14, 2011


If I could add my own parts to the constitution I would definitely make it so that every immigrant or American citizen would have to know English.  If you are going to live in  our country than you should be able to communicate with our people and speak our language.  I would also build a ginormous wall on the border so no more illegals could sneak into our country.  They are taking all of our jobs and ruining America.  The last thing I would do is give everyone healthcare, everybody should be entitled to their own good health.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What I wish I could Still Believe In

I wish I could believe in Santa again.  It made Christmas a lot more fun, plus I always got even more presents when I still believed.  When I used to believe in him I would always stay up all night and try to catch him on Christmas Eve, plus I loved visiting him at the mall.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Internal Beauty

I have a lot of friends who are big on the inside but little on the outside, and vice-versa.  I think physical attributes are closely related to peronality, if someone is hard and not a nice person then their appearance will reflect that.  If they are friendly and can hold a nice conservation they will look the part.  If my internal beauty was related to my external appearance I would look like an average teenager.  I am nice, funny, and loud.  But at the same time i'm a nice person and always there for my friends.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Saver or Spender

I would definitely say that I am a mixture of both.  I am good at saving my money for a certain item and I can be a real penny pincher, but once I reach my goal and get the amount of money I need, the first thing I do is spend it.  It just feels so good to spend money and get something new.  I definitely believe and understand everything the article mentions, especially that pleasure now is worth more than pleasure later.  I really don't agree with the girl who had to choose colleges, I think she made the wrong choice because $100,000 and a free education would be impossible to turn down these days.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Tribes I Belong To

I belong to the tribe of buckeye nation, guys that like sports, guys that like ice cream, golf lovers, teenage boys, people that hate school, guys that like all kinds of food, person with a lot of bestfriends, guys that like xbox, wildcat nation, the tribe of italians, guys that like Chipotle.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Although I like to regain my energy by being by myself and relaxing, I don't think that makes me an introvert I am more of an extrovert. I have a ton of friends and tend to be very outgoing, full of energy, and talkative.  I think extroverts have it a lot easier because they always have a lot of friends to go back to and depend on.  If everyone in the world were an extrovert the world would be a lot happier of a place than it is now.  People would be way more outgoing with each other and friendly, as well as full of energy.  If everyone were introverts the world wouldn't be as bad, but it would definitely not be as exciting.  I prefer to have extroverts as friends, they share the same personality as me and they are full of energy.  I think extroverts are better leaders because they are more social and outgoing, but introverts are better writers, they have more thoughts and feelings bottled up inside that they can let out on the paper.  Introverts are also better neighbors because they stay quiet and keep to themselves, but extroverts make better teachers because once again, they are more outgoing and have better social skills.  I don't think introversion and extroversion matter as long as everyone is happy and being themselves.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Life Law 10

The road I am on right now is one leading me to my future and hopefully success.  My path has some construction on it hopefully smoothing it out, everyday I face challenges in sports, school, and family, but it all prepares me and betters me for the future.  The people traveling this road with me are my family, friends, and anyone on my inner circle.  My destination and end of my road is hopefully a good education, family, and great job.  Hopefully what makes up my life in the future is a good work ethic and a lot of friends and family.  The roadblocks that stand in my way are people that think negative, my own work ethic and staying focused and driven.  One way to stay driven and prevent these roadblocks is to set goals and have people and myself try to keep me focused.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Life Law 9

"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names."-John F. Kennedy

I chose this quote because I think it is a perfect example of why forgiveness is important.  You never know when you will need somebody or who you will need, so that is a big reason you should forgive.  Also, if you forgive somebody that you have had beef with for years, then you could make a new friend.  Forgiving is all about learning from the past and moving on, an it's always a lot tougher to forgive and forget, then to hold a grudge and fight.  Overall, forgiveness is a win-win decision.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Life Law 5

Life rewards good action with good outcomes, life rewards crappy action with crappy outcomes.  If you take initiative, try new things, and try to better yourself, then life reward you with the good outcomes you ecpected and deserved.  If you sit around and do nothing, or always find yourself getting into trouble, then life will throw negative outcomes your way and make you more miserable.  Be proactive and don't be afraid to go out of your comfort your zone.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman was an American born journalist and poet in the 1800's. He was mostly famous for his poems, and in my opinion wrote with the style of "realism" because of all the real life connections he made with experiences and events.


EAT! beat! drums! -- blow! bugles! blow!

Through the windows -- through doors -- burst like a ruthless force,

Into the solemn church, and scatter the congregation,

Into the school where the scholar is studying;

Leave not the bridegroom quiet -- no happiness must he have now with his bride,

Nor the peaceful farmer any peace, ploughing his field or gathering his grain,

So fierce you whirr and pound you drums -- so shrill you bugles blow.


Beat! beat! drums! -- blow! bugles! blow!

Over the traffic of cities -- over the rumble of wheels in the streets;

Are beds prepared for sleepers at night in the houses? no sleepers must sleep in those beds,

No bargainers' bargains by day -- no brokers or speculators -- would they continue?

Would the talkers be talking? would the singer attempt to sing?

Would the lawyer rise in the court to state his case before the judge?

Then rattle quicker, heavier drums -- you bugles wilder blow.


Beat! beat! drums! -- blow! bugles! blow!

Make no parley -- stop for no expostulation,

Mind not the timid -- mind not the weeper or prayer,

Mind not the old man beseeching the young man,

Let not the child's voice be heard, nor the mother's entreaties,

Make even the trestles to shake the dead where they lie awaiting the hearses,

So strong you thump O terrible drums -- so loud you bugles blow.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Good Qualities of a Son/Daughter

In my opinion the two main qualities that make up a child are respect and a good work ethic.  If anybody has those it would make it very easy to be likable and successful, which would open up many doors.  A son/daughter with these qualities would find it very possible to do better in school, make a sports team, or even get into a good private school, and all of these make for happy parents which should be the main goal of a child. A good son or daughter always does what they are told, most parents would ground a child who doesn't clean their room, or take out the trash when told, so this is a very important quality that goes along with respect.
Over time these qualities have changed a lot, they were a lot more strict because there were no child abuse laws, so parents could do whatever they wanted to a kid that didn't listen, this made kids obey their parents out of fear a lot of the time.  Now a days, with the child abuse laws gone, parents have to find other ways to stay strict which don't always work, I think this has caused children to be more rebellious and difficult to discipline.

Sophomore Year

I thought sophomore year would be easier than it really is, but a couple days into school I was already studying my butt off and doing a lot of homework. But i really hope this year goes by fast, because nobody likes school.