Monday, April 23, 2012

Designer Babies

In my opinion the way these test tube babies are born is completely wrong.  It's not like they were made for the sheer fact that parents wanted a child, they were made to help fix the problems of a sibling.  When they are older and able to understand, these people are really not going to be happy with their parents, and some might wonder if they really loved them.  Also I think it's wrong that the parents are able to pick what the child looks like.  God never intended for things to be that way, so it is just messing with nature.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


If somebody tried to argue that the Holocaust was fake to me, I would go crazy.  I don't understand how with all of the proof somebody can try to say that it is all fake.  Millions of people were killed and countless more lives were affected.  Also, many of the Germans have admitted their wrongdoing, plus we have picture and video evidence!  Anybody that tries to prove the point that there was never a Holocaust, is just ignorant, and un-educated.